finpandas.core package


finpandas.core.connections module

finpandas base module.

class finpandas.core.connections.DatabaseConnection(database: str, username: str = 'finpandas', password: Optional[str] = None, _host: str = '', _port: int = 3306)[source]

Bases: object

Establish a connection with the database.


username (str): your username password (str): your password

_commitdb(table_name: str, dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)[source]

commit to the database


table_name (str): the name of the table to commit to dataframe (pd.DataFrame): the data to commit to the table

_create_engine() → sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine[source]

establish connection to MySQL database


sqlalchemy.engine.Engine: SQLAlchemy engine instance

_host: str = ''
_port: int = 3306
database: str

closes the database connection

password: str = None
query(command: str)[source]

query information directly from the database


command (str): the string mySQL command to execute


sqlalchemy.engine.Result: the results of the query

username: str = 'finpandas'

finpandas.core.datasources module

Used for analysis of public companies filing with the United States SEC.

class finpandas.core.datasources.Fundamentals(database: str = 'xbrl', username: str = 'finpandas', password: Optional[str] = None, _host: str = '', _port: int = 3306)[source]

Bases: finpandas.core.connections.DatabaseConnection

Fundamentals API


database (str, optional): database to connect to. Defaults to ‘xbrl’.

database: str = 'xbrl'
ten_k(ticker_or_cik: Union[str, int], years: Union[int, Iterable[int]])finpandas.dataframes.forms.Form10K[source]

get company 10-Ks for selected years


ticker_or_cik (Union[str,int]): company’s ticker or SEC issued Central Index Key (CIK) years (Union[int,Iterable[int]]): a year or iterable of years of interest


Form10K: a representation of the company’s 10Ks

ten_q(ticker_or_cik: Union[str, int], periods: Union[int, Iterable[int], Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]], Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]]]])finpandas.dataframes.forms.Form10Q[source]

get company 10-Qs for selected periods


ticker_or_cik (Union[str,int]): company’s ticker or SEC issued Central Index Key (CIK) periods (Union[int,Iterable[int],Tuple[Union[str,int],Union[str,int]], Iterable[Tuple[Union[str,int],Union[str,int]]]]): the year of interest, will get all

quarters; years of interest, will get all quarters; (year, quarter) pair; (year, quarter) pairs of interest


NestedDepthError: inputted periods is not one of the correct formats


Form10Q: a representation of the company’s 10Qs


Querying 10-Q reports for Apple Inc.:

df = instance.ten_q("AAPL", 2019)
df = instance.ten_q("AAPL", [2018, 2019])
df = instance.ten_q("AAPL", (2019, "q1"))
df = instance.ten_q("AAPL", [(2019, "q1"), (2019, "q2")]
class finpandas.core.datasources.Stocks(database: str = 'stocks', username: str = 'finpandas', password: Optional[str] = None, _host: str = '', _port: int = 3306)[source]

Bases: finpandas.core.connections.DatabaseConnection

Stocks API


database (str, optional): database to connect to. Defaults to ‘stocks’.

database: str = 'stocks'
price(ticker_or_cik: Union[str, int], period_start: str, period_end: Optional[str] = None) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

queries the price of a given equity over a period

ticker_or_cik (Union[str,int]): company or fund’s ticker or SEC

issued Central Index Key (CIK)

period_start (str): the starting day for the period,

in year-month-day format (e.g. 2020-06-30).

period_end (str, optional): the ending day for the period,

in year-month-day format (e.g. 2020-06-30). Defaults to None, indicating a single day period_start.


pd.DataFrame: a representation of the company’s historical stock price

sector(ticker_or_cik: Union[str, int]) → str[source]

queries the sector of a given entity

ticker_or_cik (Union[str,int]): company or fund’s ticker or SEC

issued Central Index Key (CIK)


str: the sector

Module contents

finpandas core utilities